We walk a very difficult balance and have for the last 17+ years between 4 equally important priorities:

  1. Creating as big a catalog as we can of Live Professional Studio Musicians and the highest quality tracks that we can produce, spending $10k, $20k, $30k, $40,000+ at times to produce a single show's full orchestrations and then building as BIG of a catalog of shows for our producers to choose from as we possibly can. We want to get 500 tracks in our catalog
  2. Making sure that we are taking care of our musicians
  3. Paying our bills and taking care of our families and
  4. Then we have to balance all of that while trying to give our Theatre Co's THE ABSOLUTE BEST PRICE POSSIBLE!

That's why our pricing process starts out with the same type of formula the licensing fees are determined by - using the specifics of your production, but then as we said, we want to give the best pricing we possibly can that still works for us. So we have a few "relationship" based pricing incentives that we look to be able to apply as often as we can.

We have gone through and done this so many times for so many years that we know what our numbers need to be for a break-even point just to be able to survive and that's why our base "Retail Rate" for our Educational Pricing typically starts at $1,750 and for Community, Semi-Pro and Professional Theatre Companies starts at $2,750 and adjusts based on the specifics of your production.

...BUT we want you to be clear what "Retail Rate" means.

We try very hard to provide a 1st Time/ New Client a 1x pricing adjustment and we then typically explain that the 1st Time Adjustment can be converted to a permanent Showtrax Loyalty Member [SLM] and remain their future price point IF AND ONLY IF they come back and rent the Very Next Show that they perform that we have Tracks available for rent.

We need them to understand that if we're going to give you a pricing adjustment the first time, it's so that you can get to know us, understand ALL of the value that we work hard to provide, not just comparing our tracks to anyone else's tracks, but also our uniquely simplified and effortless process, our INCREDIBLY "Producer-Friendly" usage policies AND all of the extra trainings, services, network and marketing assistance we have developed through the years.

We want our new Theatre Friends to be excited about the freedom and flexibility we provide with our tracks compared to anyone else's and how we actively strive to make your life easier, your production process easier, and ultimately make the end result of your Production even better.

Our hope is that when you come back next time you understand everything that goes into why you're paying what you're paying with us and that you're happy to do so because you get WHY WE DO WHAT WE DO and are just as willing to support us as we are to support you!


We need you to understand why we do what we do and not just think, "hey there's a company that just builds tracks and why do you have to charge this price when you've already got it in the catalog?'!"

Well obviously that would be fine if we didn't have a desire to build more tracks for YOU to use!

We may be able to take someone from $2750 down to $1,500 and give them a significant adjustment if they're gonna do 2, 3, 4, 5,...10 shows with us every year.

In that instance, at the end of that year it's worth that much more to us, they're worth $5k or $10 or $15,000 and the loyalty, and the repeat business, and the referrals and all of the value that comes from them - we're building a relationship.


We work very hard to support the Global Theater Community in the best and as many ways as we can and we know with 100% certainty that the Producers and Theater Owners who take the time to get to know us understand that and they in turn are willing to support us in return.

Otherwise we'll find some kid that's got a keyboard and knows how to use a computer to make some basic "sampled" tracks!

That's NOT what we do with our Musicians & that's NOT what we do for our theaters!

The most important thing to us is that they understand our business SO they understand that we're in business to serve them the best we can!

Based on that, we can only go so low in our pricing and even then we only provide those pricing incentives for those who show us the courtesy and support that we're anxioys to reward.

If someone comes to us ONE TIME, we don't know if we're gonna see them again, they don't care at all about who we are or why we do what we do, all they know is that amidst their 1,000 item to do list is to get music for their show, and hey! there's a company with music for their show - GREAT that's why we have Retail Rates for them to come and try it out, but there's no respect or further relationship on their part, so what is our incentive for lowering it?

It should be $1,750 or $2,750 or whatever. We spent over $47,000 building Thoroughly Modern Millie - and you're welcome to rent the same Full Scale Professional Orchestra for 5% of the price it would take you to have them.

Obviously, we're happy to give them a small 1x % off, but they have to understand that we're not giving pricing incentives just because they're gonna "talk us down on it!"

That's not how it works for us! We want to give them the lowest price possible, BUT IT HAS TO WORK FOR US!

So hopefully that makes sense to the people that want to understand our pricing and how it works.

So Unfortunately we have to do we have to do and we've worked very hard in 17 years to NOT BE a take-it-or-leave-it business, but unfortunately there's certain times were occasionally people just can't afford what we need to charge and we do the best we can and it's still not enough.

Hopefully this makes sense.